How to address generative AI in our classrooms is a big question for many members of our community. Here we offer some sample language to open the conversation about these tools with your learners. If you adapt any of this language and would like to share your version back for us to use in future iterations of this resource, or if you want to give feedback about how this language worked for you, please reach out to

If you’re looking for strategies for defining and communicating acceptable uses of Generative AI use in your classroom, please see the “Define Acceptable Uses of Generative AI” section on the Classroom Ideas page.

Suggested Language for a Course Where AI Use Is Not Permitted

Please note that in this class, I expect that you will compose all of your responses yourself and not involve the use of generative AI tools like ChatGPT. If it becomes apparent that you have used generative AI tools in the work you submit for this class, that work will be found to not have met the terms of the assignment and you will be asked to re-submit.

Suggested Language for a Course Where AI Use Is Permitted

I am aware of the advent of generative AI technology and I can see the potential of you using these tools to complete the work for this class. However, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the limitations of these tools and to engage in careful revision, editing, and fact-checking of anything AI produces for you. You are also required to disclose any use of AI in this course either in the introduction to the assignment or in an appended document. This disclosure should include screen shots of the prompts you gave AI and its output. Failure to undertake careful revisions or to disclose AI use may result in significant grade penalties.

Monash University has developed a resource you might like to share with students about how to disclose, acknowledge, and cite the use of generative AI. You might also consider how you are disclosing the use of generative AI in your own practice.

Suggested Language for a Course Where AI Use May Be Permitted on a Case-by-Case Basis

Generative AI is emerging and may be useful in some assignments for this class; in others, I am interested not in what AI can generate but what you can produce. Please pay close attention to assignment guidelines to see where generative AI is permitted to be used in this class and where it is not.

Suggested Language for an Assignment Where AI Use Is Not Permitted

Because this assignment is an opportunity for me to evaluate your writing skills / critical thinking / research skills, it is not an opportunity to make use of generative AI. Using generative AI for this assignment is a failure to demonstrate these skills, and this will be reflected your grade. Please note that if I am concerned you have used AI on any part of this assignment, you will be called to a meeting to discuss the assignment in detail.

Suggested Language for an Assignment Where AI Use Is Permitted

For this assignment, you are permitted to consult a generative AI tool in developing your response. You must disclose what AI tools you have used and how, and you are required to “show your work” when using AI in the form of screen shots detailing prompts and output, as well as demonstrating how you fact-checked and revised the AI output. Failure to disclose and document how AI was used is a failure to meet the guidelines of this assignment and will be reflected in your grade.

Suggested Language for Disclosing AI Use in Course Development

Generative AI is changing the way many of us do our jobs, including me. I have employed the use of generative AI to help develop assignment topics and multiple choice questions. Any time I use AI in the class, you can expect me to disclose where and how I used it. We are all learning how to use this technology responsibly, and I hope we can have further discussion if you have any questions.